Petition to Vacate a 10’ Utility Easement Adjoining the South Boundary of Lot 2-C Block 1, Excluding the 20 Feet Adjoining Mountain Vista Court, Granted by Mountain Glacier Estates Sub Part 4 Amended, Plat HM 83-20 and
Vacate a 10’ by 30’ Anchor Easement within the Lot 2-C Block 1 Excluding the 20 Feet Adjoining Mountain Vista Court, Granted by Mountain Glacier Estates Sub Part 2, Plat HM 81-22.
Located within Section 5, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska, within the Kenai Peninsula Borough. KPB File 2021-026V. (Referred to Lands Committee)
[Clerk’s Note: The Planning Commission approved the referenced petition to vacate at its April 12, 2021 meeting by unanimous consent.]