Meeting Name: Assembly Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 2/24/2015 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Assembly Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
KPB-0195 1  MinutesFebruary 3, 2015 Regular Assembly Meeting MinutesapprovedPass Action details Not available
2015-010 1  ResolutionA Resolution Approving Twenty-Seven Unincorporated Communities for Participation in the State’s Fiscal Year 2016 Community Revenue Sharing Program (Mayor)adoptedPass Action details Not available
2015-011 1  ResolutionResolution Requesting that the North Pacific Fishery Management Council Reduce Halibut and Salmon Bycatch Limits for the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska Trawl Fisheries (Mayor, Haggerty, Johnson)adoptedPass Action details Not available
2014-19-42 1  Budget OrdinanceAn Ordinance Appropriating $800,000 in the Equipment Replacement Fund for Purchase of a Replacement Dozer at the Central Peninsula Landfill (Mayor) introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
2014-19-43 1  Budget OrdinanceAn Ordinance Authorizing the Design and Completion of Phases III And IV of the Central Peninsula Hospital Imaging Expansion and Remodel Master Plan and Appropriating $3,134,745 from the CPH Plant Replacement and Expansion Fund for the Project (Mayor) introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
2014-19-44 1  Budget OrdinanceAn Ordinance Expanding the Scope of a Project Previously Authorized by Ordinance 2011-19-78 for Improvements to School Facilities (Mayor) introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
2015-06 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Approving Goodrich - Jackson Single-Family Residential (R-1) Local Option Zoning District and Amending KPB 21.46.040 (Mayor) introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
2015-04 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Enacting KPB 1.12.070 to Approve a Policy Requiring Fiscal Notes for Certain Legislation (Ogle, Wolf)introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
2015-05 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 22.40.100(B) Regarding Debate of Ordinances Proposed for Introduction (Bagley, Johnson) introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
KPB-0203 1  Liquor LicenseAuthorizing an Application for a Transfer of Ownership and Relocation Liquor License Filed by Gwin's Resorts, LLC dba Gwin's Lodge/Gwin's Roadhouse from current licensee Gwin's Lodge Inc. dba Gwins Lodge approvedPass Action details Not available
KPB-0205 1  Board AppointmentsConfirming an Appointment to the Central Kenai Peninsula Hospital Service Area Board (Mayor) Catherine Kibling, Seat A, Term Expires October, 2015approvedPass Action details Not available
TMP-0142 1  Presentations with Prior NoticeKenai Peninsula Borough School District Quarterly Report (10 minutes)presented  Action details Video Video
KPB-0206 1a. Assembly RequestsRoad Service Area Budget Balancespresented  Action details Not available
KPB-0207 1a. Agreement/ContractAuthorization to Award Professional Design Services for the Extension of Paved Lighted Pedestrian Path, K-Beach Elementary School to Kenai Peninsula College Project to Larson Engineering & Design, P.C. presented  Action details Not available
KPB-0208 1b. Agreement/ContractRequest for Standardization and Sole Source Vendor Request for Firefighter Turnout Gear from Janesville/LION Apparelpresented  Action details Not available
KPB-0209 1a. Mayor's ReportKPB received the Government Finance Officers Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Awardpresented  Action details Not available
KPB-0210 1b. Mayor's ReportRevenue - Expenditure Report – January 2015presented  Action details Not available
KPB-0215 1c. Mayor's ReportBudget Revisions - January 2015presented  Action details Not available
KPB-0211 1d. Mayor's ReportFY15- Second Quarter Non-department Grant Reportspresented  Action details Not available
KPB-0212 1e. Mayor's ReportFY15- Second Quarter Senior Grant Narrative Reportspresented  Action details Not available
KPB-0213 1f. Mayor's ReportFY15 Grant Reportspresented  Action details Not available
2015-02 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Enacting KPB Chapter 10.14 Prohibiting the Operation of Marijuana Cultivation Facilities in the Area of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Outside of the Cities, Subject to Voter Approval (Wolf) [Clerk's Note: A teleconference site was established at the Borough Office in Homer to receive public testimony on the above ordinance during the Assembly meeting.]enacted  Action details Video Video
2015-02 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Enacting KPB Chapter 10.14 Prohibiting the Operation of Marijuana Cultivation Facilities in the Area of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Outside of the Cities, Subject to Voter Approval (Wolf) [Clerk's Note: A teleconference site was established at the Borough Office in Homer to receive public testimony on the above ordinance during the Assembly meeting.]amended  Action details Video Video
2015-02 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Enacting KPB Chapter 10.14 Prohibiting the Operation of Marijuana Cultivation Facilities in the Area of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Outside of the Cities, Subject to Voter Approval (Wolf) [Clerk's Note: A teleconference site was established at the Borough Office in Homer to receive public testimony on the above ordinance during the Assembly meeting.]   Action details Video Video
2015-02 11. OrdinanceAn Ordinance Enacting KPB Chapter 10.14 Prohibiting the Operation of Marijuana Cultivation Facilities in the Area of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Outside of the Cities, Subject to Voter Approval (Wolf) [Clerk's Note: A teleconference site was established at the Borough Office in Homer to receive public testimony on the above ordinance during the Assembly meeting.]amendedPass Action details Video Video
2015-02 11. OrdinanceAn Ordinance Enacting KPB Chapter 10.14 Prohibiting the Operation of Marijuana Cultivation Facilities in the Area of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Outside of the Cities, Subject to Voter Approval (Wolf) [Clerk's Note: A teleconference site was established at the Borough Office in Homer to receive public testimony on the above ordinance during the Assembly meeting.]enacted as amendedFail Action details Video Video