| 1 | | | PC Minutes | January 13, 2025 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes | | |
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| 1 | 1. | | Ordinance | Ordinance 2024-19-24: Authorizing the acquisition of 80 acres of real property located in Seward, appropriating $1,200,000.00 from the Land Trust Investment Fund and $50,000.00 from the Land Trust Fund for the purchase, and authorizing the mayor to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the State of Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority for the completion of a road access feasibility study.
Staff Person Responsible: Land Management Manager Aaron Hughes
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| 1 | 2. | | Ordinance | Ordinance 2025-02: Authorizing the disposal of real property located in Kenai necessary to resolve title matters related to the erroneous recording of a 1977 tax foreclosure deed.
Staff Person Responsible: Land Management Manager Aaron Hughes
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Not available
| 1 | 3. | | Ordinance | Ordinance 2025-03: Amending KPB Chapter 21.20 relating to hearing and appeals to a hearing officer.
Staff Responsible: Planning Director Robert Ruffner
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Not available