Meeting Name: Assembly Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/17/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Betty J. Glick Assembly Chambers Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 884 7373 9641 Passcode: 671108
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 011723 Action Agenda
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
KPB-4851 11. Assembly Appointments (Agenda)Appointment of Assembly Member for District 3 - Nikiski   Action details Video Video
KPB-4851 1  Assembly Appointments (Agenda)Appointment of Assembly Member for District 3 - Nikiski   Action details Video Video
KPB-4851 1  Assembly Appointments (Agenda)Appointment of Assembly Member for District 3 - NikiskiapprovedPass Action details Video Video
KPB-4853 1  MinutesJanuary 3, 2023 Regular Assembly Meeting MinutesapprovedPass Action details Not available
KPB-4863 1  Commending ResolutionA Resolution in Memoriam Commending the Contributions of Betty J. GlickadoptedPass Action details Video Video
2022-19-39 1  Budget OrdinanceAn Ordinance Deobligating and Appropriating Solid Waste Capital Project Funds Previously Appropriated for the Construction of the Funny River Transfer Site to Overhead Door Replacement at Central Peninsula Landfill (Mayor) (Hearing on 01/17/23)enactedPass Action details Not available
2023-007 1  ResolutionA Resolution Providing a 30-Day Application Period Prior to Inactivating the Kachemak Bay Advisory Planning Commission (Mayor) adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-008 1  ResolutionA Resolution Establishing the Federal Congressional Priorities List for the Kenai Peninsula Borough for Fiscal Year 2024 (Mayor)adoptedPass Action details Not available
2023-02 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending Borough Code, KPB 22.30.010, Relating to Composition of Assembly Districts to Revise Assembly and School Board District Boundaries (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 02/21/23)introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
2023-03 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 22.30 and KPB 22.40 Regarding Assembly Committees, Excused Absences and Remote Participation of Assembly Members (Cox, Hibbert, Ecklund) (Hearing on 02/21/23)introduced and set for public hearingPass Action details Not available
KPB-4817 1  Liquor LicenseAuthorizing the Issuance of a Letter of Non-Objection to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Regarding the New Liquor License and Approve the Restaurant Designation Permit as Requested By George Bowen dba Big Daddy's Pizza, License No. 6103approvedPass Action details Not available
KPB-4867 1  Marijuana LicenseAuthorizing the Issuance of a Letter of Non-Objection to the Marijuana Control Board Regarding the New Limited Marijuana Cultivation Facility, Bay Leaf Enterprises LLC, Requested by Dan McClure License No. 31148, Subject to the Standard ConditionsapprovedPass Action details Not available
KPB-4852 1  Board AppointmentsConfirming an Appointment to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Advisory Planning Commission (Mayor) Anchor Point Advisory Planning Commission Jill Gunnerson, Seat E, Term Expires 09/30/2024approvedPass Action details Not available
KPB-4863 1  Commending ResolutionA Resolution in Memoriam Commending the Contributions of Betty J. Glick   Action details Video Video
KPB-4854 1  Presentations with Prior NoticeKenai Peninsula Borough School District Quarterly Report (10 minutes)   Action details Video Video
2022-44 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.10.060 and 4.10.110 to Eliminate the Requirement that the Informational Election Brochure be Mailed to Every Borough Boxholder and to Eliminate the Requirement of the Borough Clerk to Seek Authorship Advocating Approval and Rejection of Ballot Propositions (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)   Action details Video Video
2022-44 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.10.060 and 4.10.110 to Eliminate the Requirement that the Informational Election Brochure be Mailed to Every Borough Boxholder and to Eliminate the Requirement of the Borough Clerk to Seek Authorship Advocating Approval and Rejection of Ballot Propositions (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)   Action details Video Video
2022-44 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.10.060 and 4.10.110 to Eliminate the Requirement that the Informational Election Brochure be Mailed to Every Borough Boxholder and to Eliminate the Requirement of the Borough Clerk to Seek Authorship Advocating Approval and Rejection of Ballot Propositions (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)amendedFail Action details Video Video
2022-44 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.10.060 and 4.10.110 to Eliminate the Requirement that the Informational Election Brochure be Mailed to Every Borough Boxholder and to Eliminate the Requirement of the Borough Clerk to Seek Authorship Advocating Approval and Rejection of Ballot Propositions (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)   Action details Video Video
2022-44 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.10.060 and 4.10.110 to Eliminate the Requirement that the Informational Election Brochure be Mailed to Every Borough Boxholder and to Eliminate the Requirement of the Borough Clerk to Seek Authorship Advocating Approval and Rejection of Ballot Propositions (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)amendedPass Action details Video Video
2022-44 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.10.060 and 4.10.110 to Eliminate the Requirement that the Informational Election Brochure be Mailed to Every Borough Boxholder and to Eliminate the Requirement of the Borough Clerk to Seek Authorship Advocating Approval and Rejection of Ballot Propositions (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)enacted as amendedPass Action details Video Video
2022-45 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.60.030 Relating to Ballot Tabulator Testing Before a Run-Off Election (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)   Action details Video Video
2022-45 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 4.60.030 Relating to Ballot Tabulator Testing Before a Run-Off Election (Johnson, Cox) (Hearing on 01/17/23)enactedPass Action details Video Video
2022-47 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 5.04.095(B) to Remove the River Center as a Listed General Fund Department and KPB 5.20.030 to Remove the River Center Fund from the Special Revenue Fund List (Mayor) (Hearing on 01/17/23)   Action details Video Video
2022-47 1  OrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending KPB 5.04.095(B) to Remove the River Center as a Listed General Fund Department and KPB 5.20.030 to Remove the River Center Fund from the Special Revenue Fund List (Mayor) (Hearing on 01/17/23)enactedPass Action details Video Video
KPB-4856 1  Mayor's ReportMayor's Report Cover Memo   Action details Not available
KPB-4857 1a. Mayor's ReportAuthorization to Award a Contract for RFP23-007 BAB Roof Replacement   Action details Not available
KPB-4858 1a. Mayor's ReportWithdrawal from FEMA's Voluntary Floodplain Community Rating System Program   Action details Not available
KPB-4859 1b. Mayor's ReportSoldotna Public Safety Communication Center: Text-to-911   Action details Not available
KPB-4862 1c. Mayor's ReportLitigation Status Report - Quarter Ending 12/31/22   Action details Not available